markey creative has been working with Gilmour Academy since 2013, developing campaigns around a tagline created by another team. Our team worked closely with the leadership over several months and developed a tagline which confidently speaks to their mission, cultivating the mind and the heart. As an independent and Catholic school, Gilmour Academy is able to uniquely deliver on this mission, providing endless possibilities to educate the mind and empower the heart.

The campaign "Better together" uses classic combinations to illustrate how some things are good on their own, but become more powerful when combined. Heart and mind, independent and Catholic, cookies and milk all support the concept of better together. The campaign launched with Cookies and Milk.

Direct Mail, Print Advertising

Promoting the campaign internally prior to release was all part of generating the excitement and getting the constituents on-board. This oversized piece went out to current families, alumni and board members prior to the launch of the campaign in August 2016.

Home page takeover on cleveland.com.