Vital Medical Solutions has been a trusted Durable Medical Equipment supplier in Southern California since 1992. Known for quality, reliable customer service and follow through, the company enjoyed a strong reputation for putting the patient first. However, in recent years, a lack of focus had caused the company to remain stagnant resulting in a dip in revenue and reputation. The company was looking to expand its capabilities and services to include the Critical Care Trust segment as well as Remote Patient Monitoring. In order to reflect these new initiatives as well as a new energy in the company, Vital Medical Solutions turned to markey creative to refresh the brand with a new logo, tagline and positioning in order to remain viable and relevant in the market.

Vital Medical Solutions began as a wheel chair company with amazing customer service and a whole lot of heart. We took our inspiration from that form and developed a mark which gives that feeling of support and TLC. Here's an example of the final color-way exploration we presented to the folks at Vital Medical. This combination was the winner for the group.